Enrico Partengo
He was born in Turin in 1985, were he lives and works
MFA - Painting, Albertina Academy of Fine Arts of Torino.
From 2009 he works with Giulia Gallo.
@: enricopartengo@gmail.com
curated by Michela Sacchetto and Claire Migrane, a project by Art.Ur and Del’Art
curated by Alessandro Demma, a project by IGAV,, IGAV-Saluzzo (CN)
“Project ArTNT”
curated by Barriera and Maria Teresa Roberto, Head Office TNT, Torino 2014
Artissima 2013
“Musei in mostra” Albertina Academy of Fine Arts of Torino
curated by Maria Teresa Roberto, Torino
Promoted by Fondazione Torino Musei, Regione Piemonte, Provincia di Torino, Città di Torino,
Camera di commercio di Torino, Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT
“Collecting Peolple / Serie Inversa”
Curated by Progetto Diogene, Torino
“Idee Migranti”
National Museum of Prehistory and Ethnography Pigorini
Curated by Anna Maria Pecci and Gian Luigi Mangiapane, Roma
Galleria Rizomi Art brut
curated by Arteco, Collective exhibition, Torino
“L’Arte di Fare la Differenza”
curated by Associazione Arteco
Project by Anna Maria Pecci,
curated by Alessandro Demma, a project by IGAV, Palazzo Saluzzo Paesana, Torino
Marianne Wild Contemporary Art Unica
curated by Claudio Pieroni and Gruppo Radici, Collective exhibition, Chieti
“To Catch the Light/Catturare la Luce”
Kaiku-Gallery, Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki, Finland
“Mulhouse Biennal 2012 – 100 jeune artistes europeens exposent”
9-12 jun 2012
Parc Expo, Hall 2000
120, rue Lefèbvre - Mulhouse
curated by Gruppo Radici e Guido Curto
Allegretti gallery
G.A.I.A. S.p.a. Asti (AT), Torino Cinemambiente 2012, with 4Ground, curated by Corinna Carbone and Roberta Pagani, June 9 2012
“Catrame Cemento”
presso C.F.R. Artecontemporanea curated by Luca Terzolo and Carlotta Romano, Torino
“Boetti Farenheit 2011” Postproduction
Curated by Maria Teresa Roberto
Collective exhibition
curated by Seppo Salminen, Asilo Bianco with Enrica Borghi, Ameno (Novara, Italy)
“Masters and young artists of Albertina Academy of Fine Arts of Turin”
Exibithion at the Academy of Fine Arts of Istanbul, Marmara University
“Boetti Fahrenheit 2011”
curated by Maria Teresa Roberto, Guido Curto, Performative event dedicated to Alighiero Boetti Albertina Academy di Belle Arti of Torino,
“The Others”
Ex Carceri Le Nuove, Artissima 2011, Torino
“Ars Captiva-Futuro Prossimo Passato Anteriore”
Ex carceri Le Nuove, Torino
“Et Verbum carum factum est”
Scuderie Juvarriane, La Venaria Reale (To), curated by Guido Curto
Participant at the National Arts Award organized by Ministry of Education AFAM
collective exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, 2009.
“Plastic Place-Barriere mobili”
Conduction with Giulia Gallo of the Workshop Ettore Fico Museum, Torino
Educational Project
in collaboration with Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo e Education Division City of Torino planning and conducting workshops.
Scuola di Pittura in Pinacoteca
From february 2014 teacher to the course of painting for adults Pinacoteca Albertina, Torino
Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli
From january 2013 Operator educational museum Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli, Torino
“Castula Ludica”
Curated by Guido Curto e Claudio Pieroni Claudio Pieroni e Gruppo Radici, Venaria Reale, La Bella Italia – Arte e identità delle città capitali, Reggia di Venaria
“A scatola chiusa”
curated by Guido Curto, Claudio Pieroni e Gruppo Radici
Educational project of experimental video. Seminar pilot in relation to the educational project under Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti and IPM Ferrante Aporti, Torino.
“A scatola chiusa” II edition
curated by Guido Curto, Claudio Pieroni e Gruppo Radici
Second cycle of laboratories, experimental teaching in relation to the project between Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti and IPM Ferrante Aporti, Torino
“L’Arte di Fare la Differenza”
curated by Associazione Arteco, Project by Anna Maria Pecci
“Ars Captiva”
With Botto & Bruno
Istituto Statale d’Arte Aldo Passoni, Torino
“ABC Project II Edizione”
curated by Catterina Seia “UniManagement” Torino,
“ABC Project II Edizione”
curated by Catterina Seia “UniManagement” Torino,
“Pictures of you”
curated by Olga Gambari and Luca Morena, with Kara Walker and Rebecca Walker, Albertina Academy of Fine Arts of Torino ,– Mario Merz Foundation
“Market Zone”
with Undesign, Paolo Ulian, Andrea Caretto and Raffaella Spagna, Cuneo (Italy)
“Give your best in Ceramic!”
curated by G.A.I. (Young Italian Artists), Albisola (SV)
with Seppo Salminen, Asilo BIanco Foundation, Ameno (Novara, Italy)
curated by Michela Sacchetto and Claire Migrane, a project by Art.Ur and Del’Art .with Giulia Gallo
“Collecting People/Serie Inversa”
Lecture curated by Progetto Diogene, Torino
“L’Arte di Fare la Differenza”
curated by Associazione Arteco, Project of Anna Maria Pecci,
Con Gruppo Radici
ON-AIR Radio Rae
With Giulia Gallo
curated by Roberta Pagani and Corinna Carbone
“Terzo Round”
performance, Galleria Allegretti Contemporanea Torino
“Biennale Mulhouse 2012 – 100 jeune artistes europeens exposent”
Parc Expo Hall 2000
“Memorie radicate”
curated by Claudio Pieroni and Gruppo Radici
Temporary exhibition Gagliardi Art System, Torino
“Castula Ludica”
Workshop “La Bella Italia-Arte e Identità delle Città capitali”
La Venaria Reale, Torino
Terzo Round
Nuovi Arrivi - curated by Maria Teresa Roberto
Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti di Torino
“Gestire Orizzonti”
curated by Martina Corgnati, Anna Maria Federici,
Cristina Giudice, Claudio Pieroni, Gruppo Radici. Cappella dei Mercanti, via Garibaldi 25,Torino, Promoted by Cedas Fiat, Torino 2010
“Castula Ludica”
Workshop “La Bella Italia-Arte e Identità delle Città capitali”
La Venaria Reale, Torino
Terzo Round
Nuovi Arrivi - curated by Maria Teresa Roberto
Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti di Torino
“Gestire Orizzonti”
curated by Martina Corgnati, Anna Maria Federici,
Cristina Giudice, Claudio Pieroni, Gruppo Radici
Cappella dei Mercanti, via Garibaldi 25, Torino
Promoted by Cedas Fiat, Torino 2010
Academy of Fine Arts of Torino
curated by Claudio Pieroni and Gruppo Radici
“Il corpo violato”
Artphilein Fundation, Teatro Espace
curated by Luca De Petri and Giorgio Palma , Torino